Groups and Tours

Group tour Information 

The AKC MoD is delighted to offer group rates and private tours for groups of 10 or more. For self-guided groups of 10 or more please email with at least 48 hours notice to purchase dicsounted rate tickets. 

Guided tours are available by paid appointment for groups of 10-25 people with Museum staff or our Curator. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance.


Group Rate Discounts

$13.50 per adult, $9.00 per Senior/Youth/Active Military or Veteran/Visitor with Disability, $4.00 per child (3-12 yo), Children 2 and under free.

Guided tours for one hour with Museum staff during weekday open hours - group disounted tickets per head plus $150 flat fee ($100 for AKC Clubs)

Guided tours for one hour with Museum staff during private/weekend hours - group disounted tickets per head plus $250 flat fee ($200 for AKC Clubs)

Guided tour with Curator or executive-level Museum staff during weekday open hours - group discounted tickets per head plus $250 ($200 for AKC Clubs)

Guided tour with Curator or executive-level Museum staff during private/weekend hours - group discounted tickets per head plus $300 ($250 for AKC Clubs)